06 September 2006

A coming attraction...

I have a surprise coming soon: some two years ago, I met some people here in Switzerland, that had a featured speaker at an event in Berne, the capital city and canton. He was head of an IRAQI trade-workers' Federation, and I am going to post a cartoon that I discovered down in the ZENmud electronic vaults... as soon as I get it translated... so in the meantime... another photo post to break up the heavies... I live near the shores of Lac Léman (Lake Geneva for the far-away...) and each spring now, these two swans return to our boatramp to occupy territory and protect their two to six eggs... I fully support this occupation of foreign territory... you don't see the 'crime scene' tape above the ramp, protecting them during the weeks of incubation...
and boatowners have a second option, so no need for foreign troops to be called in...


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