28 September 2006

Clear cache and live!!!!

Itz worked my little droogies... Clearing the cache was de rigeur. I wrote the below two days ago; it just took me a while (sans tech support!) to figure it out (Cache clear...) it's about a daydream I had while on the Swiss train to Geneva.
(Malcolm McDowell, playing Alex in Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange)

New United Nations...

The world fractured in the years 2006 to 2015, producing a realignment of political powers, epicentered to sources of proven energy, petroleum or cleaner...

Wow! Saudi Arabia and Kuwait aligned with Europe and Australia, Russia and Iran united with Uzbekistan, in a relationship with half of Africa, India and the CIS States... Scandinavia stood together, driven by wind-generated and tidal electrical energy...

And the United States? After Bush had Chavez assassinated in 2007...


A MadMax nightmare on a more profound level; because American over-spending on Defense, combined with its excessively interventionist foreign policy decisions, and over-amplified religious fundamentalism plus media over-hyping, have created an ACCELERANT towards hyper-catastrophe... if not what has been confirmed by publishing of the new NIE report

The distorting tactics of Republican-backing media interests, designed to evolve American values from normal political discourse to agit-prop vitriolic rage, had already begun in the 1990s. As discussed frequently by Robert Parry at ConsortiumNews.com there was ample evidence of the Iran-Contra affair being the first opportunity since Watergate for the media to take a side with or against an administration. From that point on, favorable coverage of the Republican Party stance was virtually a shoe-in.

However, since the 1990s the American Democracy died, legally, after Republicans:

bestowed a presidency on its candidate through a Supreme Court decision, which violated it's own previous precedential rulings, by offering an erroneously reasoned but convenient decision in what technically was always a State law case, brought by parties without standing to the injury...

a negligent Administration that failed to interrupt, failed to react intelligently, and forever after lied about the origins of the worst single domestic act of violence, then compounded its negligence by failing to investigate their own acts...

a President who lied to the American Congress and his fellow citizens about its impending implementation of the war policies it intended for Iraq...

a President that instituted, amplified and extended illegal wire-tapping of citizens, in contravention of the law and specialized Court designed to allow legal, full-scale government intervention against 'terrorists'...

a President that seeks to circumvent the highest and noblest International treaties that man has ever to date agreed, being the Geneva Conventions...

a Congress that to date has spent less money investigating the current misAdministration's devastating policies, than it had spent under the same Party for President Clinton's sex life...

Bush the Lesser only has to remember that 75 per cent of the world's economy exists outside its borders... Citizens of United States are too deeply indebted to this Ripoffublican government that is predisposed to destroy itself, destroy its peoples' reputation, destroy its alliances, and its own future...


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