Documents "lost" and vital witness hung: George the First, and Bush the Lesser, have an easier escape now (et toi, M. le President Chiraq? :-) ...
"What to do about George the Lesser?"
Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq
"But I think Cheney has become much more pugnacious" as vice president. He said he agreed with former secretary of state Colin L. Powell's assertion that Cheney developed a "fever" about the threat of terrorism and Iraq. "I think that's probably true."
In the end, though, it was Vietnam and the legacy of the retreat he presided over that troubled Ford. After Saigon fell in 1975 and the United States evacuated from Vietnam, Ford was often labeled the only American president to lose a war. The label always rankled.
"Well," he said, "I was mad as hell, to be honest with you, but I never publicly admitted it."
When April Glaspie passed to Saddam Hussein her instructions from the US State Department, in July 1990., it opened the door for Hussein to attack Kuwait, and the end result was achievement of US bases established in Saudi Arabia, home of the world's greatest oil reserves and? Usama bin Laden. (remember his name-spelling was changed to OSAma after Bush the Lesser became President...)
Some intermingled facts and hypoZENtheticals:
F1: We remember James A Baker III leading, in the supercharged month of November 2000, the scurrilous and unethical aftermath of the election.
H1: There were 'unpublished' reasons that drove the Bush misAdministration to 'march to Iraq' long before September 11. One of those is the move by Saddam Hussein to delineate his oil contracts in Euros, instead of dollars.
F2: The first aggressive act by the USA towards the Taleban, in 2001, occurred not after September 11, but earlier, in July of 2001, when Assist?? Sec'y of State ??? Whoever, who told the ruling Taleban Mullah Omar's representative to reopen negotiations for the UNOCAL transit-pipeline project that had been stalled since 1998, under the alleged threat of (paraphrased) 'take the money we will offer you: a carpet of gold... or a carpet of bombs.'
H2: Whether the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon/Washington DC attacks (mindful of the trajectory of the fourth plane) were aggressive terrorist acts, or preemptively justifiable self-defense depends on the acceptance of our second fact.
F3: Our unending war in Afghanistan, and our unending war in Iraq, were both designed and carried forward by Bush the Lesser and his misAdministration.
H3: That the wars, which have increased Muslim fundamentalism and insurgent-based conflict, and thus are increasing the friction between Muslims and Occidentals.
F4: During the initial war in Iraq, American forces, by direct order of their chain-of-command, guarded with extraordinary efficiency the Ministry of Oil (and Interior!), which housed all information of the State-run oil market, at the same time that all other government installations were ransacked and unguarded.
H4: The military focus of an aggressive State War-action by the US in Iraq, is indicative of its actual intents or motives.
[The threads are starting to ravel]
F5: Sometime in the second or third month of the live war in Iraq, US forces discovered a cache of the most powerful plastic explosive, some 340 tons of this material, and the unit that found it did not remain in control of the stockpile, which was consequently looted by unknown factions of Iraqi nationals or foreign 'insurgents' or... US forces?
H5: Many Iraqi IEDs are sourced from this stolen material, and the possessor of this stockpile of plastic explosive is either ideologically-motivated or profit-oriented.
F6: Suicide bombings, IED manufacturers and car bombing attacks have not ceased to increase in the last two years.
H6: The effect of repetitive car and IED bombings in Baghdad and the other 'hot' parts of Iraq have increased sectarian animosity, and anti-US sentiments.
F7: The Iraqi Shi'ite majority has numerical dominance and has been brutally repressed under years of Sunni-Ba'athist rule; the Iraqi Sunnis correlate with the Saudi Arabian Sunnis, while the Iraqi Shi'ites are close to the Iranian Shi'ites: in the Islamic world, the Sunnis are vastly in the majority.
H7: Failure between Shi'ites and Sunnis to cohabitate in Bush' new Iraq is provoking, and will have, wide repercussions throughout the Islamic world.
F8: The Bush misAdministration has continuously reinforced its intent to 'democratize' both Afghanistan and Iraq.
H8: A democratic Iraqi State could disassociate itself from OPEC.
F9: Iraq is (or should be) the second-largest global exporter of petroleum products behind the Saudis.
H9: Two potential forces exist, which could destabilize the global economy:
F10: The dollar, as in petro-dollars, is becoming less attractive to global petroleum traders; Euros have become an increasingly valid petroleum-trading currency.
[The raveled thread soon becomes a spool of yarn]
H10: The US is currently involved in a proxy war against Saudi Arabia, for dollar control of a global petroleum market ruled by OPEC.
H11: The recent recall of the Saudi Ambassador from Washington DC is a VITAL fact of the end of 2006...
... if the Sunni-supported minority destabilizes the US occupation, to deprive Iraq of a unified government that could effect a cessation from OPEC, it is in effect supporting petroleum's high price, which is beneficial to the Saudis.
... and the next steps taken by the increasingly insane Bush-Rice-Cheney-Gates misAdministration may only be tempered by strong and positive Democratic Congressional leadership.
Little ZEN'ers, good-day to you all.I recall the following ZENmud post of 28 November:
**Which itself refers to the original ZENmud post from October 26, 2006:
"No Mission Accomplished"
And ZENmud reminds our faithful readers that these three posts sequentially discuss the coming anniversary, upon which US involvement in Iraq is of a greater duration than that of US involvement in World War II. And, which a great number of mistaken major US sources described as being several weeks ago... :-)
This Saturday, December 16, 2006, will be the true date upon which the illegal United States war in Iraq will have endured a longer span than that of its own legitimate involvement in the Second World War. US citizens are loath to recount true histories, so it leaves Truth Warriors such as himself, ZENmud, and many others, to trumpet the accuracy of history.
War in Europe began in the first weeks of September, 1939, as aggressive strikes by the German Army and Air Force against Poland and Czechoslovakia provoked Declarations of War from France, England and other Allied Powers, against the Axis of Germany and Mussollini's Italy.
All good Republicans, and such business-allied Democrats such as Joe Kennedy, urged and maintained staunch neutralist positions for the intervening years 1939, 1940, 1941...
While England struggled against massive air raids and bombing runs, the United States negotiated, did commerce, and expanded business liaisons between all factions. The Republican-controlled Senate, under such voices as Henry Cabot Lodge, and others, refused to take sides in hopes that its massively increased investments in German capital interests would not be forgone losses.
And thus the parallels strengthen, between Japan's supposedly 'sneak attack' on Pearl Harbor, and Bin Laden's supposedly terrorist aggression against the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the subsequent major tremblements that constituted a massive shift in US public opinion, as well as official Government policy.
So, when history looks back at the current conflagration that was stoked by one SHOCK and AWE after another, and the wreckage of Islamic civilization that Bush the Lesser provoked and ordained, remember that this tragic first Act is only the opening portion of the devastation wrought by the accumulated psychosis of post-11 September Fever.
Photo of the Troika: Pablo Martinez Monsivais -- Associated Press
Original Painting by Don Dixon / Hades
Original Painting by Fran Yeoh
PS: this satiric cartoon is esteemed to fall within the 'Fair Use' doctrine in US copyright law... and the delicious thought of what the world hopes will happen from a Democratic Congress!
How any solution of an American Origin would stop the American-perpetrated Iraqi Civil War?
The United States has only one available solution:
Ask Iraqis who could come in, under US funding, and replace the 150 thousand US soldiers, as a force of invitation and security, instead of a US force of occupation and hostility.
There must be a country, or a region of the world, from whom Iraqis could agree that their presence in replacement of the US forces, for a period hopefully less than two years, would provide a totally different aspect to the relationship now determining daily revolt, insurrection and sectarian violence.
ZENmud knows you see the light: US funds supporting some other army, US force withdrawal, Iraqi pacifism emerging painfully from our nightmare of aggressive torture and war crimes...
START NOW, Bush the Lesser! Save the world from your sense of justice, by changing that aspect of your defective personality!
I do believe, in about March of 2008, we'll be reading of the global manhunt for George W Bush, indicted ex-President of the United States, whose overnight escape under protection of a military contingent was as much a surprise to the American media as were any of his 'surprise' visits into Iraq, for Thanksgiving or subsequently...
Hi kG :-)
And if there were to be a manhunt, would it center on Bush' newly-acquired land in Paraguay? A land in which there only recently exists a treaty for the extradition of US citizens? (Deliciously ZEN, if Bush the Lesser was the first US citizen extradited from Paraguay under this treaty...)
Bush the Lesser wants to have his fervent fecal followers, recently exposed as comprising the more demented portion of US citizens, believing until the end, the very end, that he is in charge and working with purpose and with competent advisors to bring the Iraq intervention to a successful end.
No one recalls how, in late 1991, Papa Bush, “Bush the Greater” was being requested after his Persian Gulf triumph, to resolve the problem of the New England-centric and nationally-expanding rise in unemployment? And he, wise and noble Republican leader, said in the middle of November 1991 (paraphrased): “Just wait until my State of the Union speech, when I'll be focusing on jobs, jobs Jobs!” And that catchy phrase, was actually first used by our Most DANGEROUS American, James A. Baker III, in describing the Persian Gulf War!
I watched Bush the Greater live when he spoke the Jobsx3: I watched, as he announced to hurting US citizens that if they were watching TV in three months' time, he would give a speech that would address this issue.
Have you fathomed the import of this point?
The response of Bush the Greater, to a growing economic malaise that promoted Bill Clinton's rallying cry 'It's the ECONOMY, stupid!', was that citizens should abide three more months of government inattention, after which speech, Congress could, would, or maybe not (mindful that this was a Democratic Congress in those halcyon days...) take action, and thus the 'solution' of Bush the Greater to 'jobs jobs jobs' could/would only be implemented sometime about a half-year later...
That is when I knew that any Democrat could beat the father of the worst and current president in the history of the United States. Or any Democrat facing Bush and third party candidate Ross Perot...
And thus as this 2008 manhunt for Bush the Lesser intensifies, with mysterious disappearances and deaths by investigating US reporters (see Litvenenko ) as an impediment in tandem with the lack of investigatory aid from the 2008 Paraguayan government, the newly-sworn Republican Presidential replacement would...