27 November 2006

Great minds think sequentially...

If you stopped in to our favorite - trusty Bartcop - for a adrenalin-building rage/scan, you may see this cartoon at Volume 1880.

And if you are one of the less than 54 people that have visited my blog (Although 'dozens' visit Bartcop daily (his words)), you may remember that Bart published this cartoon (scroll down to above Greg Palast) in April's Vol 1742...

(An original ZENmud/multimediOrwrite production)

And great minds can determine what is beyond 'No Exit'... today's article on the massive exodus from Iraq:
"Every day up to 2,000 Iraqis go to Syria and another 1,000 to Jordan, according to the UN's high commissioner for refugees."

When the country is scorched from depleted Uranium, empty of Iraqis and STILL the US is battling Terrorists there, then it is Rove's Orwellian paradise...
(Photo: Richard Burton
torturing John Hurt in 1984
Credit: Luke at
www.bookclub9.com/1984/ )


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