06 November 2007

The Perverzions of Two Presidencies...

One can only thank, in the last fifteen years, the 'High Powers' of the Publican** Party, for their incessant proofs that they hold little allegiance to the American way of life...

**As certain right-wing smear artists call their opponents the 'Democrat Party' (instead of Democratic), some of us in the Rational community have decided to play their game, thus the 'Publican' Party is what you'll read here.

As a political party, the Publican Party powers have often failed their constituency (-ies?) through perpetual efforts to block 'health care reform', pursuing their intransigence and iconoclastic hatred of Bill Clinton for his breach, in their eyes alone, of the 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' clause in the Constitution, of the Publican President's ineffective and so-costly policy choices in his own family-based 'War on Terror' (previously called by ZENmud the 'War FOR Terror': a much more accurate moniker if one looks rationally at the facts), a 'war' that forced the bin Laden Family and the Bush Family to go their separate ways from the Board of Directors of the Carlyle Group...

And now, in this last week, one of the Great Enablers of George W Bush, General Pervez Musharraf (a name that Bush couldn't even remember or pronounce, in his 2000 campaign debates), has proven through official actions that the Bush administration is only talk, and cannot walk, towards the promotion of world stability in any form, indubitably the sole, singular requirement requested by Big Business, as their world quest for market share gains remains unquenched, with higher costs monthly...

How's your eye on History?

ZEN remembers 1999, when Pervez perverzly denied landing rights to the airplane carrying his own 'boss', the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, thus promoting an ingenious and blood-less coup-d'Etat, by refusing re-entry of the flight carrying Pakistan's own Government?

As General, as new President, Pervez the Perverz was in the right seat as the world of Big Oil brought its American Presidential candidate, the most pampered Idiot Savant of our times, into the White House in 2000, through theft of votes, and a greater theft of Voters' Rights, through a stolen Supreme Court opinion whose very words disallowed the opportunity to use it as precedent for following Election or Voters' Rights cases...

Don't forget, amateur History Lovers, that this same President (Bush, I mean) had, as Governor, entertained the Taliban in his Governor's Office, in seeking the UNOCAL pipeline across Afghanistan and through Pakistan, to bring oil to the Caspian Sea from the oil-rich 'Stans-states...

And NEVER forget, that members of Pakistan's ISI (their very own CIA) were in intense meetings with elements of the Pentagon, on 10 September, 2001...?

Now that I've sparked your memory vault, remember where USAMA bin LADEN is 'in hiding'?

Are you ready to admit that either: a) the US military and intelligence forces are incompetent (at least in regards to capturing bin Laden); b) bin Laden is very very good at hiding; or, c) that his continued freedom from capture is serving the purposes of the US misAdministration, thus benefiting both the Pakistani and United States political 'Reign(s) of Terror'?

Because what you now see happening in Pakistan, is not what you saw happening here in the US of A, in December, 2000. President Clinton never called out the US Marines to seize the US Supreme Court, prior to its rendering of its illegal verdict.

Oh that such acts of bravery, where duly necessary, could have changed the world, and saved us from the brutality that has forever scarred the USA entry into the Twenty-First Century!

But if you cannot fathom what has happened in Pakistan, think of it this way: in the 2004 re-election of President Bush, imagine that the travesty of voters' rights being denied in Ohio had reached obvious proportions and imagine, as impossible as such could be, that the USA still had a Supreme Court that cared about laws and civil procedure; imagine that the Court had taken upon itself to render a Decision that would overturn the Bush re-election, and then imagine George doing what his good and long-time friend Pervez of Pakistan has just accomplished...

While war-criminal Condaleeza Rice continues to prove her total incompetence, her inefficaciousness, in proclaiming for the eighth or ninth time that “present conditions are ripe for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli situation”... she reiterates her fierce loyalty to the word 'insincere', meanwhile mocking rational reality by stating that the United States found 'regrettable' the 'situation in Pakistan'...

As mentioned in the International Herald Tribune's article of Monday 5 November:

“For more than five months, the United States has been trying to orchestrate a political transition in Pakistan that would manage to keep General Pervez Musharraf in power without making a mockery of President George W Bush's promotion of democracy in the Muslim world.”

And this 'Third World episode' holds global import, precisely due to these two perversions of Presidencies, one by his usurping of judicial independence through military force, the second via a man of proven limited intelligence, ultimate decadence, and royalist condescension towards the Greater World realities, for which his executive job requires more of the first, none of the second, and the reversal of the third of his preternatural declensions.

The Perverzion of Pervez, the Perverzion of the Presidencies, the Perverzion of reality... why?

Is Pervez hanging on precisely because he hasn't siphoned off enough profit from the billions given him via US and other Western governments, ostensibly for winning the 'War on Terror'?

Is his suspension of the Pakistani Supreme Court being effected with war-weaponry that George gave him to find Usama?

Anyone can see that Musharraf's haberdashery improved immensely in the last eight years: one could legitimately call him the 'Best-dressed Dictator of our Modern Era' (which might destabilize Muammar Khaddafi's self-inflated ego); his retirement future is assured through the miracle of modern banking, should he survive being a 'Friend of the George(s)'...

If (and this seems very unlikely) our dear Dictator Pervez were to fall, become imprisoned or suffer the consequences of yet another coup d'état against his own regime, would President Bush be 'forced' to 'find' Usama bin Laden? Would the reign of Terror that Bush helped implement (through negligence or willingness to sacrifice US citizens in New York, Washington DC and in the war-theaters abroad) be augmented or diminished by these intertwined events??

How will our 'beloved', self-proclaimed “War President” end his final year of power-grabbing?

If Iran is your next thought, Bush may exit the White House as the last civilian President of the United States: how a country can follow such a pathological destructor, how it can reverse the damages done by an Idiot Savant
such as he is, would take a massive aid program from abroad...

The Bush presidency began with the Pakistani coup-d'état that had brought Musharraf into power, and the ZEN-sense is, that in this second coup against the Pakistani Supreme Court, lays the seeds of a premonition of our own middle-term destiny: not that those who uphold the laws within the USA could foster a similar action against the Bush-Roberts 'kangaroo-Court'... but that President Bush will certainly take, before March of 2008, his final despotic action against the People of the United States... in bringing the Middle East to a cataclysmic, catastrophic, cacaphonic climax...

Courage! Through the end-game(s)

ç*””*”*”*ç*””* ZENmud *””*ç*”*”*””*ç

(Hi Nadia!!)

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