20 January 2009

Bush A-Go-Go...

I don't want to think about George W Bush.

I don't want to think about him ever again, in the same way I don't think about Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Al Capone or Jeffrey Dahmer.

Or Pol Pot, E Gordon Liddy or John Negroponte...

As the hours and minutes race off to a new beginning, here is a retrospective of some Bush photos created exclusively here at ZEN Central...
From one of our favorite posts:

23 August 2007

Napoleon v Bush.... read the Juan COLE blog...

(you can click on photos as well, for links to the posts provided...)

And all the while we were thinking Bush was a second Hitler, joyfully authorizing torture, playing with the lives of innocent Iraqi children, and loyal, patriotic American troops and their families...

From another post, back in 2006:


04 September 2006

Appeasement then, then and NOW?...

Excerpt: When Neville Chamberlain sought the hand of Adolph Hitler in 1938;
When Donald Rumsfeld sought the hand of Saddam Hussein in
The first would symbolize the 'horrors' of appeasement, while the second would be conveniently forgotten...
by those who trumpet that word against opponents of the Second Bush Crusade...

29 January 2008

Your choice: statistics or spin...

The link (photo) goes to Bartcop, who provides so many friends with mirth...

you could find updated information somewhere near Henry Waxman's House Committee, we're guessing...

And we're proudest, and saddest, for having published this (Again at Bartcop) cartoon long before Bush started thumping his media-drum...

10 September 2007

CASE: the US Media v General Petraeus

Although Bush's third war was scuttled by all reasonable opinions, his desires were fanned by his fans... One can only presume that, even right wing taxpayers know when to stop feeding an addiction...

Last evening, on CANAL+, a French network similar to HBO, they spoofed Bush, showing him packing his office to vacate it today... His 'body guard/handlers', who look like Sly Stallone twins (this is a 'news show' with Puppets ('les Guignols': what they are doing against Sarkozy is priceless...)

... and anyway so as he was packing up his desk, one of the Sly-clones found a box with his helmet, from his ignoble flight to the flight deck of a US aircraft carrier: the famous 'mission accomplished' media-porn-travesty... and it held a brain in it! When they told him to put it on: WHAAACK!!!

The man could think and talk for the remaining seconds of that brief routine...

Maybe the Christian extremists can pray that Bush won't ignore his legacy... once a fuck-up, always a fuck-up.

And with that thought: Bush won't occupy time, here at ZEN Central.

It's OBAMA WORLD, from today forward... do your share.


___çç*******/ ZENmud \*******çç___

© 2009

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