11 December 2007

Al GORE: the last of the Americans...

In a previous post, ZENmud had endorsed wholeheartedly the winning nomination of Al Gore, former US Vice-president to President Clinton, and gave him a custom, photographic honorarium in commemoration, which we are glad to re-publish today ...


From the Nobel Committee website, you can read the full text of a very impressive, impressing, and heartfelt speech, from a man who could have made the past decade much less agonizing, much less deadly, than did his Republicant opponent, GW Bush... sigh - here is an excerpt from climatic expert AL GORE:

We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency - a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here. But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst - though not all - of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.

Lest we lapse into a giddy euphoria, an acknowledgement is also extended to the Peace Prize-sharing Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whose outstanding work, in amassing troves of information from organizations and researchers around the world, are also very much worthy of our gratitude.

You can read the full text of Chairman Rajendra Pachauri here.

We cherish your dedication, both to the entire IPCC and Mr Gore.

Given our changing world, with Capitalism having granted to itself sole authority to strip, to mine, to strip-mine, extract, harvest and sell some SEVENTY-FIVE per cent (75 %) of all primary resources, in our and our fathers' lifetimes (since roughly 1880, when the OIL Economy took off), one has to balance the positive with the negative.

The POSITIVE: that commerce-oriented HUMANITY can wrench the destructive momentum of our times and forefathers' activities ...

(SEXISM ALERT: the trends that begat the problems of our gender-neutral epoch, began with the economic rules and practices that were laid down long before the feminist movement acquired its stature, and the gender-equalizing practices of these last forty years or so were no longer 'news')

... through acceptance, modification and adaptation of new commerce means, and avenues for selling wares and services.

Which is Yang... acting to promote a better way forward, towards a Yin and thus a centering future....

The NEGATIVE: remains to be seen on nightly broadcasts of terror reigning down upon ancient civilizations, by younger 'civilizations', whose means of destruction are a disguise for the need to acquire diminishing reserves of resources, turning these into products for sale, to satisfy the most crass and crude short-term 'needs'...

"We do not inherit this world from our parents, we borrow it from our children"
(a quotation that is variously attributed to French authors or Native American Tribal Chiefs)

AND thus decide for yourself, today, what world are you helping them to forge? What lessons that you teach them, will serve them in eighty years?

Walk gently in nature;
Take what you need, but use what you take;
Never harvest the last seed;
Lyublyu every day...

At ZENmud productions, it is useful to note that the thought-process patterns here, have for the first time in this life become multi-generational... there may be a future 'there' there, as Gertrude Stein said (paraphrasing why)...

COURAGE, for the dreams to come into our reality...

ç*”*”*””*ç”*”* ZENmud ”*””*ç*”*”*””*ç”

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