25 September 2007

WADA: an open Letter to you and the 34 laboratories...

Dear ZENfans, darling ZENdetractors,

Below you may read the letter which has just been sent, to the 34 WADA-accredited laboratories (contact your favorite local laboratory HERE), as a second correspondence towards the burning issues for the upcoming redrafting exercise, scheduled for Madrid, the 15 - 17 November, 2007.

After a mild spanking by the Floyd Landis Arbitration Decision, as well as a Guantanamo-strength waterboarding by the Minority Dissention offered by Christopher Campbell (at least as far as the French 'département des analyses' is concerned), I, your Humble Narrator and Champion of International Justice, have sent the following:

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Dear WADA, and accredited laboratories,

One week ago today, I sent to the 34 WADA-accredited laboratories, via the email addresses provided to the public through the WADA-AMA website, a Questionnaire that I personally developed, to help your facilities move forward, stand higher and broadcast to a troubled world, that you are collectively aware of the URGENT need to re-draft the WADA CODE, the International Standard for laboratories, and the International Standard for Testing.

In that email, I stated I would send a second copy if I had not received confirmation of the receipt of the first transmission. I have the pleasure to send to your facilities, the same, identically-worded Questionnaire, today.

Since I first sent to your facilities the Questionnaire regarding Laboratories, the Floyd Landis Decision has been published and discussed world-wide.

I do not need to remind you how that Decision (both the Majority Decision, and the Minority Dissent) has opened the doors to the world, for all to see the various lacunae that exist currently, as they operate under the documentation of which you are all aware. The words of Attorney Christopher Campbell are, nevertheless, worth your time to become familiar with his vital, and on-point concerns.

However, I feel it even more urgent to reach you, as the weeks to come are your last chance to show the world that you care about correct scientific determinations, derived at through adherence to the standards you subscribe to, and are accredited by.

I end this second transmission, by quoting my own blog on this issue:


Given the anticipated, returned questionnaire responses, hopefully prior to mid-October, from WADA-accredited Laboratories, international Federations or other Signatories, three vital steps will have been achieved:

* Participants to the Madrid redrafting session will be 'on notice' that the current WADA CODE lacks transparency in procedures of discipline and accountability, as to the Signatories that work together to promote a drug-free sporting world;

* They can go on record, prior to the Madrid session, as being in favour of increased discipline and accountability concerning those WADA CODE imbalances, and;

* They have now, the opportunity to arrive in Madrid with an 'action plan' to create a finely-tuned, and better-harmonized body of regulatory procedures that will enforce the transparency and accountability of Signatories, as they have mandated towards the Athletes whose world they serve and control.


PLEASE find attached the same questionnaire you were provided one week earlier.

PLEASE respond with your fully transparent observations, so that the world is aware of your position in favor of making the Sporting world cleaner, and more transparent to observers such as myself.

I remain your faithful correspondent,

ç*”*”*””*ç”*”* ZENmud ”*””*ç*”*”*””*ç”

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