31 August 2006

Rumsfeld finds Fascists everywhere but??

... in the mirror.

It borders on the absurd to think that anyone in this Administration would dare call any opponent a 'Fascist'. Classically defined fascists, and fascist governments unite under the joined power of business interests.

Yet ye dare not call any Republican in this Administration one...

FLASH: Keith Olbermann has a great take on this, I found it at Buzzflash.com ...who received it from CROOKS and LIARS “I'm not worthy, I'm not...” :-)

They who, under Bush, Rove and Cheney, have brought together the Halliburton-Exxon vision of the future; the scorched-earth policies that forced EPA to deny air quality in post-11 September New York City... forced CIA experts to 'massage' the data tying the regime of Saddam Hussein to the perps of 9-11... they who stumped in 2002 against Democratic Senatorial and Congressional candidates with mind-numbing techno-media sorcery in order to win the Congress that gave them Iraq on a silver Halliburton platter... they who, with the 'vision' of AG Alberto Gonzales, DAG John Yoo and staff, created extra-legal modalities for the forced torture and renditions of non-combatant prisoners...

No Fascism there??

When the country that helped institutionalize the Geneva Conventions passes into a modality to evade those same international laws ...

Halliburton, the one corporation that singularly defines what Ayn Rand labeled as 'moochers' (Atlas Shrugged), and the private military-security forces that have created their own mercenary forces...

Katrina (yesterday's post, below), created another 'disaster' that allowed those Bush-worshiping companies to come home and rip off taxpayers closer to home...

But so the Islamofascists (a never-before-known term, introduced into BushSpeak a week or more back) are threatening, and subverting the media?

Quoting AP (via Yahoo!):

"What bothers me the most is how clever the enemy is," he [ed: Rumsfeld] continued, launching an extensive broadside at Islamic extremist groups which he said are trying to undermine Western support for the war on terror.

"They are actively manipulating the media in this country" by, for example, falsely blaming U.S. troops for civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said.

"They can lie with impunity," he said, while U.S. troops are held to a high standard of conduct.

Let's be clear on one thing; there is an Army, or Military Code of Conduct. There are an overwhelming number of our forces that adhere to that. But as the prior post today showed, there exists a faction within our Forces, for which this war has allowed the most aggressive of American soldiers to come unglued.

Fascism reigns supreme within the United States of America... Whether it can be withdrawn from 'our democracy' must be regarded as pivotal to the future of our planet.

If only G.H.W. Bush and James Baker III had been in the Peace Corps in the Sixties...


Another lost generation...

There is only ONE way to solve all the World's problems:
Don't START one... don't start ANY...

The deeper picture: what will become of these coming generations, those who were five to 15 years old, those who were 15 to 25 years old, as they witness on TV (around the world) or live (Iraqis in the front lines)? Their force? To hate – more than anything. As we were expected to hate 'the gooks' (or 'slopes', 'slants'... 'Charlie') from the Vietnam war.

Media presentations in repetitious loops prevent thoughtful analysis, and prior generations have never suffered from “24/7 disaster media immersion”; the United States of HYSTERICA, the Iraq of tomorrow, the disabled and maimed, the disappeared and the dead.

When reading an article like You wouldn’t catch me dead in Iraq” (Sunday Times Magazine UK), the content stuns. Offering a vision strong enough of that which happened to these young men, who joined America's Armed Forces to protect our 'freedoms'. Persuaded they were right to do so, the experiences (Excerpt below) are only harrowing.

[.....] It’s a road right in the city of Ramadi. We turned a sharp right and all I seen was decapitated bodies. The heads laying over here and the bodies over there and US troops in between them. I’m thinking, ‘Oh my God, what in the hell happened here? What’s caused this? Why in the hell did this happen?’ We get out and somebody was screaming, ‘We f***ing lost it here!’ I’m thinking, ‘Oh yes, somebody definitely lost it here.’” Key says he was ordered to look for evidence of a firefight, for something to explain what had happened to the beheaded Iraqis. “I look around just for a few seconds and I don’t see anything.”

“Then he witnessed the sight that still triggers the nightmares. “I see two soldiers kicking the heads around like soccer balls. I just shut my mouth, walked back, got inside the tank, shut the door, and thought, ‘I can’t be no part of this. This is crazy. I came here to fight and be prepared for war, but this is outrageous.’”

He’s convinced that there was no firefight.”

Thinking back to 2003 or 2004, when the Nicholas Berg kidnapping / beheading set a odious precedent, and relating that now to the commentary by Joshua Key, would anyone still doubt a great potential exists, that Berg was killed (as posited in the following months) by

American forces? Remember he wore the same orange prison suit as did photos of the Iraqis we tortured. Here's proof that Americans in Iraq beheaded townfuls of people.

* * * * *

All combined, the pendulum passes: how will our future rebound out of this? “

Teach your children well, Their father's hell... did slowly go by...”


30 August 2006

Hurricanes RIP

So I just lost my first posting, somehow: where did it go? :-?

Recap: I was thinking about the Great Cycle of Global Warming and Hurricanes

ONE: The USA admits using roughly 25 per cent of the world's petroleum resources, with only four per cent of the world's population.

TWO: Wouldn't the 'super-heated continent' overheat its boundary waters? The Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic coastal region: a boiling cauldron of StormStew...

THREE: Hurricanes like Katrina form, and blaze a trail directly towards one or several Gulf Coast states...

FOUR: Government sources calmly tell those citizens, in Fearmerica, to FLEA FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! :-0

And? The massive exodus (exodi?) of evacuation creates huge traffic jams, which use petroleum resources... anda One, anda Two, anda....

It's a vicious cycle my friends...

* * * * *

By the by, was on that radio show last week, wondering if Karl Rove was calling the National Weather Service, what with Cuba on a roll this summer: if he could get Hurricane Ernesto to be followed by Hurricanes Fidel and Guevarra ("Ernesto CHE Guevara" that is), and on and soforth unto Lenin and Marx, he could work up the Republican South into a fever pitch by election time... ??? Just fun to think about it that way...


“The 'right' to Exist”?

This is an oft-heard claim coming out of Israel, and as a student of International law, I have now been thinking about this 'right'... Taken on face, dispassionately, the 'right to exist' is an ideal that meshes well with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights... IF it were equally applicable to all peoples.

Granting the 'right to exist' to one people, however, creates as much problems as if it were (and is it?) a 'right' in the first instance.

Without a doubt, the existence of Israel traces a tortured route out of the infamy of the Holocaust. It seems clear that the Jewish people suffered more of a dislocative, traumatic genocide than many other persecuted peoples (e.g.: Armenians), for whom survivors could return to a homeland. This essay doesn't dwell on the past facts, however sanglant they were.

One must admit, however, that the violence through which the State of Israel was born, did not offer or maintain to the dislocated Palestinian peoples a 'right to existence'.

So how to balance injustices past and present, for a forward-looking solution? How to allow for a 'right', which throughout time has never been accorded legal status? How many civilizations would have invoked such a right, prior to their extermination? There was no right to existence proclaimed for the Mayas, Incas or Native American populations, as European explorers and colonists began the exterminations of the 14th to 19th Centuries.

Is there a basis for a right to existence? Again, the idealist would say 'of course!' Yet in procuring or proclaiming this right, the claimant would best practice the 'right' towards neighbors, for its legitimacy to be acquired.

A durable peace for Israel would best come hand-in-hand with its granting to neighbors the rights it claims for itself. One way it could achieve this, is to abstain from acquiring the water of its Palestinian and Lebanese neighbors. The water wars won't bring peace to the Middle East.

And that subject will soon be addressed here.


29 August 2006

The Honorable Anna Diggs Taylor

"The Office of the Chief Executive has itself been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no hereditary Kings in America and no power not created by the Constitution."

"The President of the United States is himself created by that same Constitution."

Is that the wording of a "left-wing Michigan federal jurist"?
(link: "Jihad's Courtroom Win," New York Post, August 18)?

Reading the opinion handed down in the latest case of Americans v. Bush-NSA (not the true title) is like tasting your first homemade chocolate chip cookie: there is a real gushing delight in tasting this civics lesson, a smattering of 8th grade knowledge (of which the current administration is apparently not aware), combined with the legal history in Constitutional law,
through which I well remember the suffering of keeping straight the lines of cases.

Is anyone ready to read such a foundational link to America's future? The Honorable Judge Taylor has cleanly reminded the President, his staff and supporters of their role in the stewardship of the august office of the President, a role that became worldwide, as the power of America overtook the world economies and political spheres of influence: a stewardship that has failed, for the near future, with deadly consequences.

This opinion should be read by anyone who wants American values to return to daily life: the real values, not the trumped-up FreedomFries garbage that has been spewn daily for over ten years.

Chapeau! Hoorah for Judge Taylor.

28 August 2006

Was reading Riverbend earlier on the train:

I’m so frustrated I can’t think straight.

I’m full of rage against Israel, the US, Britain, Iran and most of Europe. The world is going to go to hell for standing by and allowing the massacre of innocents. For God’s sake, 34 children???

The UN is beyond useless. They’ve gone from a union of nations working for the good of the world (if they ever were even that), to a bunch of gravediggers. They’re only good for digging mangled bodies out of the ruins of buildings and helping to identify and put them into mass graves. They won’t stop a massacre- they won’t even speak out against it- they’ll just come by and help clean up the mess.”

If you don't know Riverbend, a young writer living in Baghdad, whose blog has won the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction, her perspective for the last three years is hauntingly fierce and proud. If Americans could give up their thieving occupancy and leave the country, one only can hope the voices of moderation such as hers could be allowed to rebuild what Occupying forces can only destroy... Hope.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Did a radio show with friend Mark on Sunday! That was a new item for me. I earned a role as 'comic relief': we decided that since Florida was 'under attack' by Hurricane Ernesto, I wondered if Hurricane Fidel was next, and if that chain would continue: Hurricanes Lenin and Marx by October? :-)

Mark plays for Radio Berne, the show will become archived sometime early this week. Check back for a link!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

August is coming to an end, and soon we'll cycle into the September 11 anniversary.

25 August 2006

History REPEATS: revisionist history distorts

The ONLY solution....

There is really only ONE solution, that WILL solve all the world's problems.

Really. It's so simple.

Don't start any.

(I'll be repeating that from time to time)

Don't start any.


24 August 2006

ZENmud speaks Crystals

Boldly entering the Blog-realm...
Welcome to my first entry...
am I a wee bit spooked? Not really.

As this develops, I'll be offering a viewpoint that isn't anti-capitalist, nor anti-American. But it WILL be pro-long-range, pro-peace, and pro-dignity.

The title "crystelZENmud" refers to a 1995 essay, written about the history of real property law, in which crystalline rules became 'blurred' by the reality of people trying to adapt to them, or adapt them to reality. I'll provide a link down the way: let me get used to this system!

Soyez les bienvenus! Welcome to all...